Workplace Health: Programs to Keep Workers on the Job and Injury-Free
Atlantic Physical Therapy has a number of programs designed to help prevent injuries in the workplace and evaluate a worker’s readiness to return to work after they recover from an injury. We are pleased to partner with Workwell Systems, a nationally recognized leader in this area. Atlantic Physical Therapy is a member of the Workwell Quality Provider (WQP) Network and our professional staff is certified by Workwell to provide both Pre-Work Screening and Functional Capacity Evaluation.
Pre-Work Screening (PWS)
Atlantic Physical Therapy is a participating site for Workwell Wellness System’s Pre-Work Screens (PWS). The pre-work screen is an evaluative tool designed to identify an applicant’s ability to perform job-specific activities. The applicant must complete multiple “critical demand” exercises safely in order to pass the pre-work screen.
Companies such as Home Depot, Dish Network, Ecolab, and AmeriGas have contracted with Workwell to objectively assess a prospective worker’s ability to perform on-the-job required tasks. Our Workwell certified staff at Atlantic Physical Therapy are able to perform a series of specific tests to measure job-related functional abilities to provide insight into work fitness and reduce the risk of work related injuries.
Our workplace health programs are designed to assess a current or prospective worker’s ability to perform on-the job required tasks
Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE)
After an injury, there are frequently concerns regarding whether a worker will be able to safely and effectively return to their job. The Workwell Functional Capacity Evaluation provides a proven means to assess the worker’s current levels of abilities in tasks that are relevant to their job. This comprehensive test is done in either a condensed 4 hour format or an 8 hour format to fully evaluate the individual’s abilities and limitations. The FCE is also used to assist in the determination of objective disability when a return to pre-injury health is not possible.
For more information on Pre-Work Screens (PWS) or Functional Capacity Evaluations, employers or case managers may contact Atlantic Physical Therapy at 757-481-4066, contact Workwell at 866-997-9675or visit Workwell’s website at www.workwell.com